学费 and 费用
Costs below include tuition, 和活动, 机构, 技术, capital (other Pennsylvania residents) fees.
学生类型 | 全职 (12 - 18学分) |
兼职 (1 - 11学分) |
18学分以上 |
Berks County Residents | $3,240 | 每学分216美元 | $3,240 + $216/credit for each credit above 18 |
Other PA Residents | $5,655 | 每学分377美元 | $5,655 + $377/credit for each credit above 18 |
Non-PA Residents* | $6,255 | 每学分417美元 | $6,255 + $417/credit for each credit above 18 |
International Students | See Schedule of Costs | ||
*Applies to all enrollees who do not meet the definition of Berks County or Pennsylvania residents under State and/or Federal law. |
请注意: The Mechatronics Program is not available at the flat-rate tuition.
服务类型 | 费用 |
Official transcript fee | $6.00 |
Matriculation fee (a one-time administrative processing fee for new students, applied to student accounts the first week of the semester.) | $0.00 |
信贷飙升 | $22.每门00 |
External evaluation of credits | $22.每门00 |
Proctoring exam fee | $25.每次考试00美元 |
Distance Learning / Online fee | $35.每节00 |
Science Lab fee+ | $200.每门00 |
Health Professions 费用 | |
To review the fees for your program of study, select the program below. Under “Want to learn more?”, click on “View the estimated program costs for this program”. | |
Histotechnician Program 费用 | |
Medical Laboratory Technician Program 费用 | |
Nursing Program 费用 (上午 & Evening Programs) | |
Practical Nursing Program 费用 | |
Respiratory Care Program 费用 | |
+ Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses taught in the Science/Mathematics Division. For additional information see the fee schedule in the 学生目录 or contact the 招生 department. |